Since the Coronavirus we have moved all meetings online.
All groups mentioned below can be accessed on Zoom at:-
Password: 324974
All Times below are EST East Coast Time USA
Book Study Groups
Untethered Soul Book Study group Saturday 12noon
20 minute guided meditations based on writings of Michael Singer:
Mondays 12 noon EST
20 Minute Celtic Based Chant meditation
Tuesdays 12noon EST
Celtic Sound Healing Meditation with live music and chant:
30 Minute Session
Every Saturday at 1:30pm EST
60 minute session
Every Wednesday at 10:00pm EST
Call 415.225.8347 if you have questions
For those who wish to donate and support our free online sessions, here are the details:
The whole concept of Celtic Mindfulness is to incorporate the rich and empowering aspects of ancient Celtic practices of spirituality, including mysticism and mindfulness, along with ancient rituals of chanting and music. We combine these with mindfulness philosophies from Eastern World traditions, and encourage it's use in workshops, meditation groups, one on one tuition, individual counseling, and produce special events, podcasts and talks.
Celtic Mindfulness is the concept of Francis O Connor, meditation coach, counselor and musician of many years. He runs regular workshops both online and in person. Frank is the Admin for Living Untethered/Untethered Soul, The Surrender Experiment Facebook groups
We offer weekly meditation events for groups and also offer individual sessions. Francis uses Celtic music & chant to enhances the meditation experience. Due to the Corona Virus outbreak, all meeting have been moved online. See details for log in and meetings schedule above.