Celtic Mindfulness is the concept of Francis O Connor, meditation coach, counselor and musician of many years. Frank grew up in the County of Cavan, a largely rural area, overflowing with lakes, ancient monasteries and crannogs. It was, in pre Christian times, at the heart of ancient Celtic culture and mysticism. This helped him form a deep love and learning of those times and practices. On his journey through life, Frank has sought and investigated many avenues towards personal and collective healing, focusing not alone on his own Celtic culture, but the many modalities and practices of Eastern meditation and healing. Frank is a qualified Meditation teacher and has personally practiced meditation for over 20 years, helping him in his own experience of healing, as well as helping others to experience and share in that healing
Frank has been involved in regular musical roles as an entertainer in Ireland and the United States. He is also a published composer of Celtic music and is currently engaged in producing material for Celtic Meditation
We offer weekly meditation events for groups or individuals to join, using Celtic music & chanting that enhances the experience. At present we offer two meetings in Petaluma at Mindful Petaluma and Foo Dog Yoga Center. We hope to expand to centers elsewhere in the general Bay Area.
We also offer workshops which can be for the general public for specific social or work groups, which can be booked ahead of time in suitable locations.
Celtic Mindfulness is in the process of arranging concert like performances, once again across the Bay Area. Please feel free to obook or offer suggestions for areas we could look at for such performances. We also offer counseling services for individuals.
Call today on 415-225-8347 or email foconnor@celticmindfulness.com